Friday, January 3, 2020

The Discrimination Of People With Disabilities Essay

There are many different issues in society today. One big issue is the discrimination of people with disabilities. Abelism is an ongoing issue in the world today, which can happen in many places. Through the concepts of stereotypes, social environment, pain, minority groups, health beliefs, people with disabilities are constantly being discriminated in the world which is a big problem looking at it from a sociological view. One of the biggest issues we have in the world is the issue of abelism in the workplace. Discrimination is the â€Å"unequal treatment grounded prejudice† (Weitz, 2014:124). Discrimination can happen in so many places to so many different types of people. A main sociological concept and topic that can be deeply researched is abelism. â€Å"Abelism means discrimination action against people based on the physical ability of their body especially against people with disabilities in favor of people who are not disabled† (Langtree, 2015). There are so many different types of disabilities in this world, coming from mental disorders to physical disorders. Some disabilities can be extremely noticeable and others are never noticeable, but in the end it all concludes to the facts that abelism is still a huge issue in society, especially in the work place and employment. Disability can have a variety of definitions, but the most reliable definition is the definition by the World Health Organization. WHO defines disability as a â€Å"restriction or inability to performShow MoreRelatedDisability Discrimination : Disabled People With Disabilities1686 Words   |  7 PagesFaris English IV 16 May 2017 Disability Discrimination In 2010, 19% of the U.S. population had a disability (â€Å"Nearly 1 in 5 People Have a Disability in the U.S., Census Bureau Reports†) and there is no doubt that today, in 2017, that number has increased. 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